
Download GetCourse videos without transcoding

This software allows you to download HLS video streams from GetCourse without loss of quality, without the need for transcoding, and to merge them into a single video file. The program is written in Go language and is designed for use in Windows operating system.

You can find compiled binaries in the latest release.

0. Pre-requisites

Software requires ffmpeg to work.

– Download FFmpeg

Download ffmpeg from and add it to your system’s PATH using the following PowerShell command (run as administrator):

Example command:

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";C:\ffmpeg\bin", "Machine")


You can use a generator site. To do this, you need to copy the html code of the frame with the video and paste it into the site


2. Running the program

– If you’re new

Simply download the program binary and run it with the following parameters on Windows:

.\getcourse-video-downloader.exe '' aboba.mp4

– If you’re a dev

You know what to do.

Thanks to

The general logic is inspired by mikhailnov, but his solution at the moment of publishing this readme has a significant problem with sound in clips after assembling them (obvious clicks at the beginning of each segment of the HLS video stream).